Published inLinux ShotsEncryption of terraform state using OpenTofuOpentofu 1.7 brings a long awaited feature in terraform to encrypt terraform state fileJun 3, 2024Jun 3, 2024
Published inLinux ShotsSpin-up a Kubernetes cluster on personal laptopCreating a Kubernetes cluster is very expensive on any cloud providers. Using Kubernetes on cloud for learning purpose is not recommended…Apr 13, 2024Apr 13, 2024
Published inLinux ShotsMigrate PVC from one storage class to anotherThere could be a requirement where you might need to migrate the PVC and its data from one storage class (storage back-end) to another…Mar 4, 20241Mar 4, 20241
Published inLinux ShotsSync Kubernetes secrets with cloud-native secret managersCloud secret manager can be utilized to rotate Kubernetes secret if we are able to sync Kubernetes secret with cloud-native secret manager.Dec 4, 20232Dec 4, 20232
Published inLinux ShotsBackup Kubernetes using Velero and CSI volume snapshotVelero can be integrated with Restic or Kopia for filesystem backup of pod volumes. Filesystem back-up of live-system is not consistent.Nov 20, 20232Nov 20, 20232
Published inLinux ShotsSpeed up pod startup by re-using image layers from other nodes with SpegelSpegel enables each nodes to act as a local registry mirror, allowing nodes to share images between themselves & reduce pod startup time.Aug 21, 20232Aug 21, 20232
Published inLinux ShotsUse K8senv to manage multiple versions of Kubernetes’ clients (kubectl/velero/helm) on same jump…How do you manage numbers of Kubernetes clusters from same jump box ? What if clusters running are on different versions ? What if…Jun 3, 2023Jun 3, 2023
Published inLinux ShotsSetup Telegram bot to get alert notificationsThere are many otchannels where we can receive notifications. Email, Discord,, Gotify and many others. But sometime we need to get…Mar 19, 20231Mar 19, 20231
Published inLinux ShotsUse PostgreSQL database as backend storage for helmBy default, Helm 3 stores all release information in Kubernetes cluster itself using K8s secret in release namespace.Feb 5, 2023Feb 5, 2023
Published inLinux ShotsPoint in time Snapshot of Persistent Volume Data with Kubernetes’ Volume SnapshotsWhen we perform an upgrade, or make a configuration change in an application, there is always little risk that the application may behave…Dec 24, 20222Dec 24, 20222